Army Aviator Photographs Country in Vicinity of College Park from Aeroplane High in Air

Newspaper Clippings

Washington Times September 26, 1911 Page 9 Pictures Obtained From High Altitude Are Clear and Distinct Officers at the Army Aviation School at College Park have been experimenting with areal photography. Their results were good. Photos were taken from a Wright biplane traveling at thirty-five miles per hour at 500 feet using an ordinary lens. Lt. Kirkland was a passenger while Lt. Henry H. Arnold acted as pilot. Displayed in the newspaper edition three of the pictures. One shows large goldfish ponds at Lakeland. The photograph was taken from 800 above. Another image shows hangers at the airfield. The third picture shows truck farms and gardens between College Park and Hyattsville. Photos taken in this way would be useful in quickly establishing enemy fortifications. Army members will continue experimenting with taking pictures at increasing heights. Their goal is to successfully make usable images of the ground from an altitude 1,000 feet.

Army Aviator Photographs Country in Vicinity of College Park from Aeroplane High in Air