
Youth mock wedding at Embry AME Church
Betty Smith, Frankie Brown

The Embry Senior choir in 1980.
Rev. Dessie L. Carter (far left), pastor of Embry A. M. E. Church, is shown here with members of the Embry Senior Choir. Pictured from left to right are (first row) Spencer Briscoe, Betty Thomas Green, Dessie Randall Thomas, Shirley Randall Anderson, Jean Gray Matthews, Lester Gray, and Thomas Randall; (second row) Janet Randall Gillens, Franklin Brown Jr., Florence Wethers Lee, Vera Johnson Matthews, Fannie Mae Randolph Douglas, and James Clemons.

Beach Trip
On the beach near New York City. Members of the Gross/ Hughes family

Urban Renewal Property Map Sheet B Segment
Section 2 of 8

Yearbook of Lakeland Junior-Senior High School's graduating 1950 class. See Description for more details about this particular page.
A note from the principal to the students.

Swearing In
Swearing in of Mayor William Gullett and council. Dervey Lomax is 4th from the left

Memoir Page
Robert Ridgeley Gray
Wanda Essex.
Haliburton and Essex family photos. School photo. Back reads "This is my 7th grd picture"

Airport and Area from the Air
From College Park Airport looking toward the lakes
Memorial service program for Robert Edward Campbell.
Contains a cover page for Campbell's memorial service, held on Sep 8 1993 at Zion Baptist Church of Eastland Gardens. Also contains an obituary for the deceased; as well as a short prayer; the order of service; a list of pallbearers; acknowledgements; and a short prayer.


Giving Well Wishes
Event celebrating the donation by Joanne Braxton of her book to Hyattsville Branch Library. Dr. Braxton is standing on the left,
Urban Renewal Plan, R-2113. Lakeland Urban Renewal Area, College Park, MD. October 10, 1978. See Description for specific info about this particular page.
Section C: Land Use Plan (cont'd Land Use Provisions and Building Requirements). Regulations, Controls and Restrictions section.

image of trailer with building behind
Weygandt property

Lakeland_John Walls in front of Brooks house
This photo shows John Walls standing in front of the Brooks' house on lot 38, lot 8. (Compare chimney in photo of Gertrude and Viola Brooks.)

John and Alberta Cordove
This photo is of John and Alberta Cordove, likely at one of their properties on the East side.
Strawberry Shortcake Valentine's Day card, interior. Signed, Robin.
Haliburton and Essex family - various notes and cards.

Image of industrial building with lot and cars
Weygandt property
Photo depicting three generations of the Walls Family - maybe Mother's day in the early 1990s.
2nd from left is Bernice Leincaster Walls. On the far right is daughter Catherine Walls Callahan, then to left are Catherine and June Lawson. Bernice married to Anderson, family came in 1902 (mother's side). Not sure when Bernice's parents came to Lakeland. There are pictures of them in the 1920s with Will and Katy Leincaster.

White with a Sash
Ready for school special event at Lakeland School

Memoir page
Robert Ridgley Gray

Ernest Brown, an Ink Spot
A member of the nationally known singing group the Ink Spots, Lakeland native Ernest Brown played guitar and contributed tenor vocals. On October 12, 1952, he was with the group when they appeared as guests on the iconic “Ed Sullivan Show.” Brown was one of the younger sons of early Lakeland resident Pleasant Brown.
Lakeland Jr. Sr. High School 35th Reunion Souvenir Journal, a yearbook from the 35th Class Reunion (June 14-15, 1985) at First Baptist Church in College Park, Md and the Ramada Inn in Lanham, Md. See Description for any details on this particular page. Note from donor Arthur Dock: "Edgar Smith put this together for us. It has a few letters and a set of senior superlatives and the yearbook photos of each student. The next item is the program for the 35th Class Reunion. Then there are a series of photographs of one particular party--the reunion. 14 photos. Also an inventory list for the 3 items.
Continuing with various students, with photographs and a list of the clubs they were involved in.

Urban Renewal and Developer
Plans for urban renewal move forward with the PAC chairman at the forefront as area land developer.

Tree Planting for Earth Day
Members of the College Park Committee for a Better Environment, including the chairwoman, Amelia Murdoch (far left), and Lakelanders Wilmer Gross and James Adams (far right), planted trees at an Earth Day Event. The Committee for a Better Environment is made up of College Park citizens with an interest in improving the environment and quality of life in the city. The committee promotes, sponsors, and provides support for local environmental projects and activities.

Condemnation document
Lots 1,12,13,14 and 15 Block 44 Lakeland Subdivision In full and final satisfaction of any and all claims arising from condemnation suit on 5415 Detroit Avenue
Scrapbook made by Gladys Haliburton. See Description for details on this page.
Various newspaper clippings - multiple of Joanne Braxton's accomplishments. An opinion column about how women can't win when it comes to men.

Airport and Beyond
Showing College Park Airport and surrounding area

On a summer Sunday morning in 1942, from left to right, Martha Edwards, Evelyn Giles Tyner, and Tyner’s sister, Lucille Giles, ushers for Embry A.M.E. Church, walked to church with Tyner’s daughters, Edna and Shirley. The Edwards garden is visible on the left; the Giles house is off to the right.